terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2010

September - by Michael Bywater

Ao ler o post publicado no blog The Unobstrusives , que indiquei http://blogdaktinha.blogspot.com/2010/08/blog-da-semana.html, me deparei com o texto emocionante do Michael Bywater, que minha querida amiga Viviane Sevarolli postou em seu blog http://theunobtrusives.blogspot.com/2010/09/september-love-story-begins.html

Segue o texto:


If there was ever a month you could fall in love with, it's September. And like real beauty, September wears her glories subtly. To appreciate her (and if ever there were a female month, it's September) it's necessary to gaze directly, with a new eye. Look out of the window. Look at the light: the sun low enough to cast shadows, like side-lit danseuses, but not yet veiled and peremptory. Smell the air: dust and the first trace of wood smoke, the silver ghost of a dormant frost moon. The scent of September is the scent of creosote, privet, warm stone and the strange, cleaned smell of traffic on the evening streets. September mornings are alive with promise. The air lies slantwise, a slight pinch of chill with the windows open in the evening and the murmur and laughter in the streets below. Other months we hope our way through like gruff men with sticks and a purpose, or loll, stiff and unaccustomed, like chrysalids. Only September is now. For once in the year, we're here and we're happy.”
Não é inspirador???
Obrigada querida amiga Vivi por compartilhar este texto.
Beijo especial prá vc!

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